The Catalyst Course
Step into Your Future Human Potential for Rapid Inner Growth
Dr Jean Houston & Dr Anneloes Smitsman
Hosted by Dr Stephen Aizenstat
Enroll Now!
Catalyze your potential with 4 Cosmic Keys for accelerated inner growth

Navigate challenges and opportunities with the Cosmic Compass for living your evolutionary purpose

Expand your consciousness with breakthrough scientific discoveries about the nature of reality
Discover how you can step into your future human potential with the breakthrough ideas, keys, practices, and tools of the Future Humans Trilogy by Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston.
Caroline Myss as “Pure inspiration, genius, and soul gold.”
Deepak Chopra as “an act of true compassion, which exhibits empathy and understanding that leads to answers.” Â
We’re thrilled to invite you to our foundational Catalyst Course—designed to help you explore and activate your Future Human potential in this transformative new era. These potentials are your innate powers of renewal and transformation, like imaginal stem cells ready to propel your life—and our world—into its next evolutionary leap.
As major change and disruption become the new normal, how is this impacting your life, relationships, and work? This course is here to guide you in consciously accessing and actualizing your future potential. You’ll discover how to rise above the chaos and shape your life and the world from higher orders of reality that transcend the turmoil.
Throughout history, mystics, sages, magi, and alchemists have known how to do this. The Future Humans Trilogy was written to make this timeless knowledge accessible to all—interwoven with groundbreaking insights from modern sciences about the nature of reality, consciousness, and the universe.
This Catalyst Course equips you with the essential keys, capacities, and understanding to become the difference that makes the difference during this pivotal time. We stand on the edge of a new renaissance—a profound rebirth of self and society—and this course is your guide to unlocking the vast possibilities it holds.
In this course, you’ll receive
- Essential keys and transformation practices from The Quest of Rose (Book 1 of the Future Humans Trilogy), rooted in ancient and future wisdom.
- How to develop your renaissance capacities for radical renewal and high creativity.
- How to activate latent powers and discover new abilities within yourself.
- How to safely enter and sustain higher states of consciousness and awakening.
- How to expand your multi-dimensional perception to navigate life with clarity and depth.... and much more!
Become a Future Catalyst! Step into your role as a creator of new possibilities and a steward of our collective transformation.
With love,

Course objectives & Summary
Through this first course of the Future Humans series, we support you to develop your future human capacities as a catalyst for future directed change. You'll learn how to:
- Develop the ways, qualities, perspectives and transformative capacities of the Future Catalyst.
- Activate your future human potential through your imaginal power and how to apply this to evolve and transform your life, and our world.
- Connect with and apply the Cosmic architecture of our Universe for the redesign and renaissance of self and society.
- Activate and develop latent and new capacities as a Future Catalyst, through renaissance periods of catalytic changes.
- Access the imaginal realm of Consciousness for activating your future potentials of higher orders of reality, and learn how to embody this.
- Apply your inner transformation as a Future Catalyst for our world transformation.
- Move through the five stages and consciousness states of metamorphic transformation, for becoming the future humans.
- Work with the purpose and ways of the Cosmic Cocoon, for the birth of new cultures, systems, and civilizations.
- Apply the three evolutionary principles of life for navigating by the North Star of Thrivability, and going beyond mere sustainability.
- Navigate with the Cosmic architecture of life, as a Cosmic Compass.
- Communicate from wholeness and the unified states of consciousness.
- Architect our world with the nonlocal information of immortality.
- Become the new story through the activated states of your future human potential.

Experience a preview through this 1-hour workshop
What you'll gain from taking this course
This sensory-rich and hands-on transformative course will provide you with essential ways, keys, tools, and practices for becoming a Future Catalyst.
Future Catalysts are the visionaries, future creatives, innovators, new paradigm scientists, and inventors who help us to see the greater possibilities. They are like the imaginal butterfly cells that activate when the old starts to fall away.
The Catalyst course serves as a kind of future lifeline for catalyzing latent potential that once activated provides the energy, ideas, and opportunities to enter the new phase of life for a world that works. Students who already completed the course report: enhanced intuition, vivid dreams, accelerated understanding, a fine-tuning and aligning of their whole body-mind-spirit complex, profound new insights into the nature of reality and the role of consciousness, greater synchronicities, manifestations of whole new opportunities, greater self-awareness and personal mastery, better navigational skills for moving through change, and much more.
Join the communion of change-makers and world-changers, the ones who profoundly make the difference in whether we thrive or perish and evolve new orders of social development. Discover the capacities and tools to be one who can make a difference – inner change creating outer transformation.
What you can expect
Exceptional teachings, anecdotal stories, new paradigm science principles, consciousness keys, transformative practices, exercises, architect tools, maps, a Cosmic compass, case studies, and powerful activations for awakening your future potentials and becoming a Future Catalyst.
Who this course is for
This course is for everyone who seeks to enhance their personal and professional capacities and live a life of deeper meaning and purpose. Whether you are a facilitator, educator, therapist, leader, researcher, cultural creative, student, innovator, social architect, artist, system designer, or simply someone who is looking for a program that is inspired, truly original, and unconventional, you will receive tremendous value from this course.
New Paradigm Sciences
The scientific foundations of the Future Humans courses and books are based on key discoveries from fields of new paradigm sciences, including quantum physics, cosmology, evolutionary systems design, and depth psychology. These discoveries and insights reveal how life and our Universe is a unified reality of fractal holographic potentials at all scales of existence. This unified understanding is in stark contrast with the mechanistic worldview of a Universe of separate parts and random events.
You will learn how the cosmological architecture of life is an architecture of holism, a living architecture of Consciousness, and what this implies for each of us and our world. You will also learn how these principles are being applied for the much-needed transformation of our societies, systems, technologies, and cultures.
What people are saying who completed this course
"The material in this course Is mind-blowing and so enlivening and enlightening. In all the courses I have taken I have never had this degree of bone-deep transformational learning."
“The Catalyst course is much more than a course; it is an invitation to embark on a life-changing journey. The combination of teachings from Dr Jean Houston and Dr Anneloes Smitsman is a beautiful happening, speaking to the participants' minds, hearts and souls. It is inspiring, evocative, challenging, transformative and catalyzing, producing a community that wants to stay connected and keep working together after completing the course. Jean and Anneloes brilliantly entwine and present the insights of the new paradigm sciences and the wisdom of ancient mystics in a fashion that gives us tools to listen to the lure of becoming and navigate personal and global challenging times.” ~ Dr Hege Forbech Vinje
"This course is beyond anything I have ever expected or experienced. I feel myself charged, changed, and prepared to take on the great tasks of our time. Thank you so very very much. And your new book is terrific!"
"If I had known that this course was as powerful as it is I would've insisted that everyone I know take it.. You have given us the tools and the means of an evolutionary jump!"

What You'll Learn with the...
Future Humans Cosmic Keys, Tools, and Practices
The Journey
We start by exploring the groundbreaking new scientific insights about the fundamental reality of our universe and the unity of life, and how the universe is designed to evolve and actualize in consciousness.
We'll explore the tipping point dynamics of this emerging renaissance time, and how you can learn to dance and navigate with the forces of transformational change as a future catalyst.
We continue our journey by developing our renaissance capacities for initiating higher-order change with the help of our imaginal powers, and by activating our future human potentials of the new era. And we'll explore the emerging new mythos.
We deepen our journey through five future archetypes for activating and actualizing your future potential through five formative stages and states of consciousness.
We'll develop our navigational skills for exploring the landscapes of consciousness with the help of the Cosmic Compass design, as we'll set course towards the North Star of Thrivability.
We'll complete the journey with a celebration and by entering into the new story and exploring what it means to become an architect of the future possibilities of the new emerging era.
You'll also receive four of the nine Cosmic Keys of the Future Humans Trilogy and five transformative practices to support your personal transformation during this journey.
Module 1
The Cosmic Architecture of Life
The Key of Conscious Choice
We start by exploring the fundamental unity of life through the Cosmic architecture of the Universe, and what this means for becoming a Future Catalyst. You will learn how to activate your future potential and shift your consciousness with the Key of Conscious Choice.
You will also learn about three fundamental principles of life and how this is being applied for systemic transformation in fields of education, economics, governance, and social change. The transformative practice of this session will help you to directly experience the Cosmic architecture of your inner being and how you can fundamentally shift your reality with the Key of Conscious Choice.
Module 2
The Regenerative Renaissance of Self and Society
The Key of Imaginal Power
You'll learn about the imaginal realm of consciousness and the importance of your imaginal powers, and how this becomes activated during renaissance times. You'll also learn how to work with the renaissance dynamics of our time for radical renewal, regeneration and high creativity, and how this can activate latent, as well as new capacities.
Through the Key of Imaginal Power you’ll learn how you can join life in the powers and process of renewal and evolution, and how the imaginal realm is encoded within every living system and organism, including you! This session completes with a practice for developing and enhancing your imaginal powers and exploring the future possibilities of your future potentials.
Module 3
Actualizing our Future Human Potential
The Key of Becoming
You'll learn about the process of the metamorphic rebirth of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly, and how this applies to your life and our world, as well as how to grow your new body of consciousness and our future systems. You’ll also learn about the critical role of the cocoon and 'cocooning time', including how to work with the ‘evolutionary enzymes’ for dissolving the former caterpillar structures.
Through the Key of Becoming, you’ll learn how to actualize your future human potential through five specific consciousness states and Future Archetype patterns: the Wholeness Coder, Future Creative, Evolutionary Catalyst, Pattern Weaver, and New Paradigm Storyteller. This session completes with a transformative practice for entering the Cosmic Cocoon and moving through your own process of metamorphosis.
Module 4
Navigating the Seas of Change
The Cosmic Compass Architect Tool
You'll learn about the Cosmic Compass design for navigating the landscapes of consciousness, and how to become aware of the coordinates of the Cosmic architecture of life for navigating by the North Star of Thrivability. You'll also learn how this has been applied for the redesign and transformation of our economic, social, educational, and governance systems.
You’ll then learn how you can contextualize this Cosmic Compass design for your life and work, and for navigating the dynamics of societal and planetary change. This session completes with a transformative practice for connecting with your inner Cosmic Compass, and how to uplift your life with your inner North Star of cosmic consciousness.
Module 5
Acquiring the Catalyst Capacities & Entering the New Story
The Key of Cosmic Communication
In this final training session, you’ll receive the support to integrate all you have learned as a Future Catalyst. Through the Key of Cosmmic Communication, you’ll learn about the information of immortality, and how your state of consciousness influences the state of information that you perceive and transmit. You'll also learn how to enter enter into unity consciousness and how this helps you to transform common duality traps, and communicate from the wholeness of life.
Through anecdotal stories and real-life examples, it will become even clearer why many of our human-made systems are not able to renew, transform, or evolve by design. Through a transformative practice you’ll be able to enter into and become the new story - the new mythos. You’ll now discover how you can catalyze future change through the new mythic hero and heroine patterns. We’ll complete this session through a celebration and overview of the next steps on the Future Human Journey.

Prof. Dr. Jean Houston
Jean Houston, Ph.D., is a legend in her own time as a world renowned scholar, futurist, and researcher in human capacities, social change, and systemic transformation. She is one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement and one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time. She is also a founder of the field of Social Artistry, “Human development in the light of social change.” She has worked intensively in over 40 cultures, lectured in over 100 countries, and worked with major organizations such as UNICEF, UNDP, and NASA, as well as helping global state leaders, leading educational institutions, business organizations, and millions of people to enhance and deepen their capacities.
She is the co-author with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman of the Future Humans Trilogy, which include The Quest of Rose, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and Winner of the 2022 Silver Nautilus Book Award. As well as Return of the Avatars, Winner of the 2023 Gold Nautilus Award and a #1 Amazon Bestseller. She is also the co-host with Anneloes of the Future Humans Podcast.  Dr. Houston has authored over 36 published books and a great many unpublished books, plays, and manuscripts. She is the former Chancellor of Meridian University and has served on the faculties of Hunter College, Marymount College, The New School for Social Research, and the University of California. Dr. Houston was also President of the American Association of Humanistic Psychology, and is the former Chair of the United Palace of Spiritual Arts in New York City. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation.Â
Dr. Anneloes Smitsman
Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D., LLM, is a futurist, entrepreneur, systems scientist, award-winning pioneer in human development and systems change, and award-winning bestselling author. She leads the EARTHwise faculty and is the lead architect of the EARTHwise Constitution, the AGI Constitution, and the Elowyn: Quest of TIme. She was awarded the 2022 Visioneers Lifetime Achievement Award and was crowned overall African winner in the category "Human Development" of the 2022 Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards by The Business Executive in collaboration with the Economic Development Board Mauritius. She is also a winner of the BIZZ 2022 Business Excellence Award by WORLDCOB. She holds a Master’s degree in Law and Judicial Political Sciences from Leiden University, the Netherlands, and received a degree of Doctor from the Maastricht Sustainability Institute at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.Â
She is the co-author with Dr. Jean Houston of the Future Humans Trilogy, which includes The Quest of Rose, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and Winner of the 2022 Silver Nautilus Book Award. As well as Return of the Avatars, Winner of the 2023 Gold Nautilus Award and a #1 Amazon Bestseller. She is also the co-host with Jean of the Future Humans Podcast. She is the co-editor and co-author with Dr. Alexander Laszlo of The New Paradigm in Politics, and she is the author of Love Letters from Mother Earth, and the narrated version Messages from Mother Earth with soundtracks by Alan Howarth, as well as numerous other publications. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation.Â

Hosted by
Prof. Dr. Stephen Aizenstat
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the Founder of Dream Tending, Pacifica Graduate Institute, and The Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences. He is a world renowned Professor of Depth Psychology, an imagination specialist and innovator. He has served as an organizational consultant to major companies, institutions, Hollywood films, and has lectured extensively in the U.S., Asia and Europe.
He is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations where he has spoken. Professor Aizenstat is the Chancellor Emeritus and Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has collaborated with many notable masters in the field including Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, Marion Woodman and Robert Johnson.
Comes with a 100% Risk-Free, 13-Day Guarantee
We stand by our value promise. If you're not fully satisfied within the first 13-days, or if you feel for any reason that this course is not living up to our promises, just get in touch with us at [email protected]. We want you to be assured that this is a highly effective way to experience the power of the Catalyst course and truly make sure it's right for you.

What You'll Receive ...
This Catalyst course provides essential support during this challenging time. In support of all who are impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, we offer this course at 50% off, with partial scholarship options.
Here is what you'll receive by enrolling now:
- Five On-Demand 1-hour training sessions with Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman—in video and audio format.
- Five On-Demand 15 min transformative practices with Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman—in video and audio format.
- Five downloadable Q & A sessions with Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman—in video and audio format.
- Comprehensive course syllabus.
- Online Course portal with access to all the course resources and bonuses.
- New Paradigm Science publications for acquiring a foundational understanding of systemic transformational change, the principles of thrivability, and the unified reality of life.
- The Future Humans Cosmic Compass design and template.
- Bonus videos with Dr. Ervin Laszlo, Dr. Jude Currivan, and Dr. Stephen Aizenstat.
- Access to a global course community, with support and sharing opportunities.
- Access to follow-up support, and future learning opportunities through optional group coaching sessions at a reduced rate.
How to go through the course
The Course is evergreen and self-paced. As soon as you enroll you can go through the course sessions and resources at your own pace and rhythm.
Normally valued at $790 USD for the single payment option. In support of the COVID-19 crisis, we offer 50% off for the enrollment fee.
What People are saying about Jean and Anneloes and their Future Humans Trilogy...
“A book full of wisdom and insight, with a vision of the future everyone can benefit from in our age of change amid uncertainty. The Quest of Rose is an act of true compassion, which exhibits empathy and understanding that leads to answers, and the answers are the essence of the world’s wisdom traditions. The stories in this book speak directly to the heart, where all inner journeys begin. When the heart awakens, the person is transformed. This book is living proof that such a radical change is desirable, possible, and necessary in everyone’s life."
~ Deepak Chopra, M.D. Author, ​Total Meditation​
“The Quest of Rose is pure inspiration - soul gold. As we spin in these winds of chaos, wondering where we are going and when the storms will end, the Quest of Rose has emerged as a guidebook, instructing individuals on how to connect to the hidden power map governing this epic of transformation. Pure genius.”
~ Caroline Myss, Ph.D. Author, ​Intimate Conversation with the Divine​
"The Quest of Rose is so much more than a book! It is the start of a journey that can literally repattern your nervous system to better meet the trials of these challenging times. It confronts the greatest questions facing humanity, drawing at once on the power of story, glimpses into the cosmic order, the inspiration of a larger perspective, and simple practices that will expand the reach of your mind. This map into a more welcome future will speak to you personally as it also calls out to the culture that the path of greater possibilities for the human experiment is before us, our collective will must be rallied, and the time is now."”
~ Donna Eden & David Feinstein, Ph.D. Co-Authors, The Energies of Love
"Written with breathtaking beauty, warmth and charm, Jean and Anneloes have done the human potential movement a huge service by integrating the insights of the new paradigm science and the wisdom of ancient mystics in a magical storytelling way that catalyzes and ignites the reader with the turn of each page. Together they weave a very accessible and memorable roadmap for activating and developing the future potential of our species. Of enormous practical value are the nine Cosmic Keys of Consciousness and the twelve transformative practices, which are integrated into the rich story-line at the end of each chapter. The Future Humans Trilogy is a must-read for everyone working to facilitate the evolution of consciousness.”
~ Dr. Claire Zammit, Ph.D. Founder of
“A fabulous excursion into the true potentials - and if we are lucky, the future reality - of the human personality. We learn just about everything that is conceivable about the evolutionary possibilities of the human - a mind-boggling trip. To be read and lived with admiration and appreciation.”
~ Dr. Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D. Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Award-winning Author. Founder & President, The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research
“Like shamans on a magical journey of healing, in The Quest of Rose, Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston masterfully use the fictive power and world-creating artistry of the sacred creative imagination to weave a spellbinding story which reveals the deeper mythical—and liberating—nature that lies hidden within seemingly ordinary, nonfictional reality. Encoded within the story they tell—which is truly our story—is a living transmission that activates and awakens our evolutionary potential, helping us to remember who we are and what we are here to do. This book is a true gift to humanity that I cannot recommend highly enough.”
~Paul Levy, author of Dispelling Wetiko and The Quantum Revelation
“This astounding Future Humans Trilogy is a work of pure genius that inspires one to “Know Thyself” as a multi-dimensional architect of the future possible. Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston brilliantly brings to life our true essence as Cosmic, activating forces of evolution, by equipping the reader with the tools, codes, keys, patterns, practices and principles to birth a collective metamorphosis out of the chrysalis into a luminous future. This is one of the most important books of our catalytic time of change and should be available for all people and in every educational institution as an architectural guide to creating a world that works for all.”
~Diane Williams, Founder, The Source of Synergy Foundation
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have a wizardly guide to help navigate these turbulent times? To be shown a blueprint of the future, one that would describe what could be, what is seeking to be, as the next stage in the whole healthy evolution of our species with all of the life present in Earth? Of course, such a thing is impossible, right? – who would be able to communicate such a thing, let alone access it in the first place?! Well, apparently it is not impossible, for Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston have done it. And they have done it in a way that invites you into it, into the landscape of the blueprint, with a fable for our time. This is the fabulous story of Rose, Grandmother Verdandi, and all the friends who “share with you their own journey of developing a personal relationship with this Cosmic architecture of life.” The fable brings you into the spacetime of myth and engages you in a grand rite of passage – at once personal and about all of us and all of life. In the spirit of Louis Malle’s 1981 film My Dinner with André, or Brent Capra’s 1990 Mindwalk, Smitsman and Houston share profound conversations that range through quantum physics, indigenous wisdom, cosmic evolution, spiritual transformation, and existential and transcendental philosophy from both East and West, North and South. And they do so in the most delicious and wholly enjoyable way, making these topics understandable, relatable and relevant. Smitsman and Houston invite you to walk under the moonlight or sit with them by the fire, listening to its crackling, warming your hands and your heart, watching the flicker and play of light, seeing shapes dart about in the shadowplay as you listen to their modern Mahabharata. As we enter this imaginative space, they drop us deeper into the imaginal realm of our own emergence – individually and collectively. Rose calls this the “entrance in the Cosmic architecture school of life” where we encounter our future heritage as we listened to elders, traveling sages, druids, wizards and crones, and in so doing, find their guidance within ourselves.”
~ Prof Dr. Alexander Laszlo, Ph.D. Director of Research of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, co-founding member of EARTHwise Centre.
“Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston deliver an engaging narrative in which profound realizations seem to pop off each page. These stellar intellects bring to life a mythic journey of personal and societal transformation. A delightful weave of edifying and enduring wisdom; beautifully crafted; and a testament for evolving human potential, The Quest of Rose will revision and advance the path you take.”
~ Dr. Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. The Milton H. Erickson Foundation​
“This is an epic book for our unprecedented times! The Quest of Rose is a book unlike any other you are likely to read. It is breathtaking in its scope, enlightening in its depth and uplifting in its message. It seamlessly weaves together quantum physics, cosmology, mythology, spirituality, psychology, history and more, with gripping impact. It is the one ‘must read’ book for everyone of all ages and backgrounds concerned with how we navigate our way through this chaotic transition time accentuated by the COVID pandemic.”
~Professor Alexander Schieffer, Ph.D. Co-Founder. ​Home for Humanity​, Adjunct Professor, Da Vinci Institute, South Africa,
“The Quest of Rose immerses us in the life of one young COVID survivor, Rose, and her quest for deeper meaning after her brush with death. Through Rose’s vivifying dialogues with her evocative grandmother, Verdandi, and her peers, we participate actively in her unfolding discovery of the cosmic architecture of life. We engage side by side with Rose in activating our imaginal cells and expanding our states of consciousness through grandmother Verdandi’s potent exercises to unfetter our quantum powers. We not only share the mythic initiation journey of Rose, but learn with her how to transform our own lives and become the future humans we need to be to create the future world that works for all. This is THE paramount book for our times!”
~ Dr. Rama Man​i​, Ph.D. Co-Founder, Home for Humanity, Convenor Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford
“Jean Houston embodies the generous, catalytic and enlightened servant-leadership that inspired His Holiness the Dalai Lama to opine that the world will be saved by the western woman — and in fact, she has inspired and mentored many of them! Now, as the patriarchal patterns of industrial civilization are unraveling, women are coming to our rescue. Dr. Houston is bringing her powers together with the genius of a brilliant younger woman, Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, who embodies a fresh emergence of feminine creative leadership. Enjoy and let your eyes be opened and your soul be nourished by what emerged — Future Humans: The Quest of Rose. It tells a relatable story - of Rose’s (and our collective) near-death encounter in this apocalyptic time — and the discovery, exploration and transmission of infinitely renewing and magical nature of our living universe. As a reader, we accompany and participate in a human story, gradually coming to see and understand how to live in a world that is profoundly multidimensional and magical, and yet single, whole, wholesome and holistic. Drs. Houston and Smitsman are playfully inviting each of us to join them, and in the process, to recognize and use our latent powers and potentials to co-create and inhabit a thrivable future for our children and grandchildren. You’ll finish this book amazed and joyful.”
~ Terry Patten​, Author, ​A New Republic of the Heart​