Expand your capacities for thriving with life.

Accelerate your development with the wisdom of living systems.

Join my Monthly Classes

FREE Transformation Practice
Join my next Coaching Class

Essential Support for Transformational Change 

Monthly Classes with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman

Join my monthly online classes to develop your capacities as a visionary leader, evolutionary catalyst, social entrepreneur, healer, coach, facilitator, and creative for a thrivable world and future.  Discover how you can thriv with life, rather than struggle to survive.

I've been supporting individuals, groups, and organizations for over two decades in catalyzing their potential. Transformational change has become a buzzword these days, yet too few people are trained in how to facilitate this based on the scientific foundations of living systems.  Living systems network, embody, and actualize the quantum potentials of our Universe through evolutionary capacities that make life possible and thrivable. Through my monthly Classes you'll learn how to apply this for the greater transformations of self and society. 

Each class offers unique teachings, keys, tools, and practices based on the wisdom of living systems and the evolution of consciousness. Combing groundbreaking research from a new paradigm in science and consciousness with practical application from my decades of experience as a serial-entrepreneur, architect, social innovator, healer, coach, and evolutionary leader.

Overview & Benefits 

The online classes take place every last Tuesday of the month, and include teachings and practices for developing your future human capacities, followed by group coaching support. Empowering you to develop:

 Essential capacities for actualizing your future human potential of the emerging new era through my award-winning tools and keys for inner and outer transformation.

 Profound new insights and techniques for how to source your  purpose from higher orders of possibility that become available during transition times.

 Enhanced intuitive capacities through new evolutionary patterns, future archetypes, and practices for accessing the quantum potentials of consciousness.

 Development of essential imaginal powers and visionary capacities that infuse your life, work, and purpose with greater depth, meaning, flow, and synchronicity.


If you'd like to experience one of the practices that form part of my monthly Coaching Classes, sign-up here for a video practice and brief teaching from my July 2023 Coaching Class.

You'll learn how to work with pushback situations and transform restrictive dynamics, based on my decades of work in pioneering systems change and human development. With an anecdotal story from my own life, to illustrate how I applied this technique to protect an important Maroon Legend, which contributed to Le Morne Mountain becoming an UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Sign-up below to receive this FREE Transformation Practice and to stay in touch with our latest news, including for how you can book an individual session with me.

We respect your privacy and do not send spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Join the Next LIVE Coaching Class

The Future Humans Actualization System

For over two decades, I've been exploring the edges of a new paradigm in science and consciousness, combined with entrepreneurial practice and living systems principles. This led to the development of the Future Humans Actualization System, which features in the Future Humans Trilogy and forms part of my monthly Classes and personal sessions. This system includes:

  •  A Cosmic Compass design, which forms part of our EARTHwise Constitution for a Planetary Civilization.
  • 5 Future Archetypes—Wholeness Coder, Future Creative, Evolutionary Catalyst, Pattern Weaver, New Paradigm Storyteller: for actualizing our future human potential.
  •  9 Cosmic Keys—Conscious Choice, Imaginal Power, Cosmic Communication, Trinity, Paradox, Darkness, Self-Awareness, Becoming, and Unity. 
  •  7 Cosmic Architect Tools—The Ring of Unity, Infinity Hourglass, Cosmic Compass, Fire Stones of Darkness and Light, Singing Chalice, Cosmic Navel Cord, and the Cosmic Mirror.
  • Essential Transformation Practices through guided visioning, imaginal processes, and exercises. 
Join the next LIVE Coaching Class

Individual Coaching Sessions with Anneloes

Limited availability, book soon!

If you'd like to accelerate your growth through a customised coaching plan for your personal or professional development, you can also book 1-1 coaching sessions with me.  I only provide these on a limited time basis for people who are highly committed to their growth. Since these sessions are in high-demand, please book early to secure your place. You can use the button below for more information or book via our contact form

Individual coaching sessions can include a 30-minute energy activation (upon request, and most popular):

  • Great for activating new growth potentials, clearing blockages, transforming limiting beliefs, enhancing intuitive capacities, and optimizing your energy flow.
  • Reveals the deeper structural patterns of your life and areas of attention.

Individual sessions typically range between 60-90 minutes, depending on the purpose. Prices are calculated on an hourly basis.

  • Sessions are $300 USD/EURO per hour.
  • Reduced rates are available for a package of several sessions.
  • Payment via credit card or PayPal.

For executive corporate sessions via your organization, a higher corporate rate applies. More information upon request via this contact form.

More Information

Client Testimonials

"As a seasoned Senior Leadership and Executive (Team) Coach, I have the privilege of working with a diverse array of high-performing clients from around the globe.

In this demanding work I find it important to keep reflecting on my own style and impact, as well as continuous working on my own personal development. To do so, I make use of the coaching services of Dr. Anneloes Smitsman.

Having worked with her for over 3 years, I highly recommend her and I can attest to the effectiveness of her coaching sessions. Through her expert guidance, I have been able to significantly enhance my professional skills and capabilities, which in turn has led to a greater impact with my own clients.

Additionally, Dr. Smitsman has been instrumental in supporting my personal and professional development, helping me to thrive in the face of challenges and change."

~Marco Buschman, Managing Partner of COURIUS, International Leadership Facilitator & Author

More testimonials further below...


How to join the next online Class

Each group Coaching Class takes place live and online via Zoom, and is video recorded. You'll receive the recording of the class a few days after it completes (in case you're not able to join live). 

  • DURATION: 90 minutes. 
  • WHEN: Last Tuesdays of every month, at 07:30am Pacific Time (10:30am Eastern Time). Next class is on Tuesday, June 25.
  • INCLUDES: 45 min teaching and practice + 45 min group coaching in the form of Q & A.
  • Each month focuses on a different topic, which you can provide input for.
  • VIDEO recording of the class is included. 


  1. BEST VALUE OPTION: Purchase the Annual Subscription for 12 live Coaching Classes per year + beautifully designed online library with all the recordings from previous classes since 2021. Cost: $700USD (valued over $3000USD). Payment plan available upon request.
  2. SINGLE CLASS OPTION: Purchase a single live class or recording of a single previous class for $57 USD. A few partial scholarships are available per class.

Annual Subscription + Online Class Library

Total valued over $1600

Get instant access with more than 50% OFF with one quick annual payment and receive:

✔ 12 live online Coaching Classes per year with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman that take place every last Tuesday of the month + recording. Single class costs $57USD. [valued over $684 USD]. 

Beautifully designed online Coaching Class Library with all the recordings from the previous monthly classes, since November 2021 [valued over $2000 USD].


Confronting Deception

Live Class

Being able to recognize and confront deception may well be one of the most important life-skills that we as humans need to master right now. Through this class, I’ll share some of the key principles and practices I've applied for unmasking and confronting deception.

I am grateful for my legal training, which has given me clear guidelines and methods for recognizing and stopping deception. However, it's my training as a healer that's taught me how to address, and help heal, the root causes of deception.

I will also share some practices from my Martial Arts training for dealing with the aggression that is often tied up in deception. 

To summarize, this class provides you:

  • Essential guidelines, tools, and practices for recognizing and confronting deception. 
  • Practice and support for deepening your intuitive development and ability to protect yourself when faced with deception.
  • Through the Q & A, I will provide coaching support for participants. 

The Class comes with a recording in case you can't join me live.


Recordings from previous Coaching Classes

You can also purchase a single video recording from previous Coaching Classes via the offers below. In the annual subscription plan + library, all of these recordings are included.

Training your Life-Force

  • Essential tools and practices for training your life-force.
  • Clearing unhelpful conditioning and restrictive programs.
  • Teachings for becoming (more) aware of the subtle dimensions of our life-force.

The Wisdom of Nature

  • Essential guidelines and practices for connecting with, and applying the wisdom of Nature. 
  • Indigenous wisdom teachings for planetary stewardship, based on Nature's wisdom.
  • Healing our lives and our world with the wisdom of Nature.

Re-Storying your life

  • Key practice and teaching for re-storying your life.
  • Teachings on the power of narrative and how to become aware of, and shift, the deeper mythic story archetypes and patterns in your life.
  • How to work with the power of story to change how you respond to challenges.

Our Future Human Anatomy

  • Key practices and teachings for connecting with your future human anatomy and the capacities it enables.
  • Working with your future human anatomy to more easily enter into higher states of consciousness.  
  • Practice for activating your future human anatomy and experience these new consciousness states.

Entrepreneurship for the Earth

  • Key insights and wisdom on Entrepreneurship for the Earth.
  • How to develop your entrepreneurial intuition and step into your creative genius.  
  • Practice for developing a transformative entrepreneurial mindset and creative spirit.

Wisdom for the New Year

  • Reflections on key lessons, challenges, and gifts of 2023, personally as well as collectively.
  • The alchemical transformations of Christ Consciousness and how we can apply this in our lives. 

  • Practice for consciously distilling the lessons and experiences of 2023 into wisdom for 2024.


Riding the Inner Dragon

  • The mythic lessons of the dragon and what our dragon power represents.
  • How to become conscious of our inner dragon and knowing when this power is out of balance.
  • Practices for befriending and riding our inner dragon (without trying to control it).

Healing Collective Trauma

  • Mythic and metaphysical perspectives of these recurring cycles of violence.
  • Practices and processes for healing our collective trauma and strengthening our humanity.
  • Holding space for conscious grieving and healing support for this difficult transition time.

Facilitating Transformation

  • Key principles for facilitating transformational change, and how to recognize and support the various stages and layers.
  • How to work with the shadow dynamics of transformational change.
  • Facilitation principles and techniques for how to guide people to their innate wisdom.

Future Visioning

  • The art of visioning for developing meta-perception and going beyond mental projections.
  • The  cosmology of futures and how to enter into the future imaginal states of consciousness for evolving your life, and advancing your capacities.
  • Practice for future visioning and activating your future human anatomy, and exploring possible human futures.

Becoming a Game Changer

  • Tools and practices for becoming a game-changer for our world in transformation.
  • How to set higher standards and act as an evolutionary leader for the necessary inner and outer changes.
  • Practice for activating your future human anatomy as a new operating system for our evolutionary development.

Martial Arts of the Mind

  • Essential Martial Arts principles and practice for training your mind as a force for good.
  • How to work with the energy of attack, confrontation, and projection and transform this.
  • How to act in guardianship by using Martial Arts of the mind.
  • Includes extended Q & A recording with inspiring anecdotal stories.

The Avatar Interface 

  • The science and metaphysics of the Avatar Interface, and how to access this imaginally.
  • How to use your Avatar Interface to access the quantum potentials of the Universe.
  • Practice adapted from Return of the Avatars, for expanding your capacities and intuition with the Avatar Interface.

The Art of Storytelling

  • How to work with the archetypal wisdom and power of Storytelling.
  • How to expand your capacities and catalyze consciousness as a New Paradigm Storyteller, based on the 5 Future Archetypes system.
  • How to story-weave meaning, depth, vision, and inspiration into your stories.

The New Earth

  • The New Earth promise, and what this means for our our time and your life.
  • The Need for New Narratives and Indigenous Wisdom and The New Earth.
  • The power of planetary renewal and operating systems for an emerging planetary civilization.

Collective Intelligence

  • Collective intelligence and the importance of quantum field dynamics.
  • A case-study example of a dialogue with ChatGPT and working with emergence for cultivating our intelligence as a process of life.
  • Nature's collective intelligence solutions for accelerating evolutionary development.

Conscious Parenting

  • Practices for conscious parenting from pre-conception until death, and how these relate to the 5 elements - ether, air, fire, water, and earth. .
  • Parenting new ideas and projects into the world.
  • Essential foundations for learning and development, and how to empower your children through these capacities. 

Becoming a New Paradigm Catalyst

  • New Paradigm in Science and Consciousness about the nature of reality and our role as humans. 
  • How to catalyse transformational change without getting caught in people's projections.
  • New Paradigm Catalyst practices for systemic transformations. 

The Power of Self Renewal

  • The power of renewal and how to apply it to grow in consciousness.
  • How to work with the power and wisdom of death and dissolution, and enter the unborn dimensions of yourself.
  • How to work with the Elemental energies of your emotions and how to direct this for renewal of self and relationships.

How to Train your Mind for Brilliance .

  • Consciousness as fundamental reality and the purpose and essence of mind for manifestation.
  • How to create conscious agreements with the field of consciousness.
  • The art of focus, localization, presence, and attunement. 

Evolutionary Leadership Capacities 

  • Leadership as a rite of passage to grow our capacities as custodians for the wellbeing of life.
  • How to work with tipping point dynamics as opportunities for inner and outer systems change. 
  • Evolutionary leadership practices  from the common foundations of life. 

Developing your Intuitive Capacities

  • Teaching & practice for enhancing your intuitive capacities
  • Intuition as a systemic intelligence and wisdom of the deep self.
  • Formulating clear intentions and how to develop a more direct relationship with the consciousness of life.

Transforming Restrictions & Pushbacks

  • Teachings and techniques for working with pushbacks dynamics when activating new patterns or opening new portals.
  • Anecdotal stories from Anneloes where she applied these techniques in her work to help catalyze important societal transformations.
  • Energy clearing practice for working with the energy of resistance and restriction.

Working with Paradox & Duality Traps

  • Teaching for working with "The Key of Paradox," based on the award-wining book The Quest of Rose.
  • How to transform common duality traps and work with the tensions of paradoxical situations.
  • The Third Way, based on the Ph.D. research of Anneloes on systemic transformation, and how to apply this. 

Developing your Imaginal Powers

  • Teaching & practice for working with "The Key of Imaginal Power," based on the award-wining book The Quest of Rose.
  • How to recognize the difference between visualization and the imaginal state of consciousness.
  • Entering into imaginal flow states for inspiration, intuitive awareness, and Cosmic resonance.

The Cosmic Architect Tool ~ The Ring of Unity

  • Teaching and practice for working with the Cosmic Architect Tool "The Ring of Unity," from Return of the Avatars.
  • How to bypass ego projections and connect directly to Cosmic consciousness.
  • Wisdom teachings from the Cosmic Dragon, the Cosmic Serpent, and the Cosmic egg that form part of the Ring of Unity.

Personal & Collective Healing in 4 Steps

  • How to connect with the healing power of life, and apply this to your daily life and relationships.
  • How to connect with the Wisdom of the Higher Heart and shift from ego to heart consciousness
  • Practices for personal and  collective Healing in four foundational steps.

Learn how to work with the Cosmic Compass ~ Part 2

  • Cosmic Compass Part 2 - learn about the 13 Cosmic Principles and Powers of Consciousness.
  • How to work with the the 16 Commitments of the Future Humans Quest (with slides)
  • Learn how to integrate the 5 Future Archetypes with the Cosmic Compass and apply this to your life.

Learn how to work with the Cosmic Compass ~ Part 1

  • Cosmic Compass Part 1 -the design of the Cosmic Compass, the 3 Laws of Life, and how to develop your future human capacities with the 5 Wisdoms. 
  • Discover your 8 core values for developing yourself and your life (with slides).
  • Cosmic Compass practice and applications.

Future Humans Solstice Ceremony

  • Unique Future Humans Solstice Ceremony and celebration.
  • Teaching and transmission from the Grail codes and the Tree of Life that form part of the European Gnostic tradition that Anneloes has been initiated into, and forms part of her ancestral heritage.

How to work with the 5 Future Archetypes

  • Teaching for working with the 5 Future Archetypes from The Quest of Rose: The Wholeness Coder, Future Creative, Evolutionary Catalyst, Pattern Weaver, and New Paradigm Storyteller (with slides).
  • Practice with the 5 Future Archetypes. 

Recommended Reading

Winners of the prestigious 2022 Silver and 2023 Gold Nautilus Book Awards

What people are saying about Anneloes and her work...

Deepak Chopra, M.D.

World-Renowned Pioneer in Personal Transformation

“Full of wisdom and insight, with a vision of the future everyone can benefit from in our age of change amid uncertainty. The Future Humans Trilogy by Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston is an act of true compassion, which exhibits empathy and understanding that leads to answers, and the answers are the essence of the world’s wisdom traditions. The stories in this Trilogy speak directly to the heart, where all inner journeys begin. When the heart awakens, the person is transformed. This Trilogy is living proof that such a radical change is desirable, possible, and necessary in everyone’s life."

Jean Houston, Ph.D.

Principal founder of the Human Potential Movement

"Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D. is a leader and pioneer in the development of the architecture of creating civilizations that enhance the wellbeing of both person and planet. In this she is a treasure trove of ingenuity and wisdom. She is one whom leaders in social evolution regard as the person who has the genius to implement the revolutionary solutions and visions that can advance the necessary development of both people and planet. I, as well as many others, regard Anneloes as a female Einstein. I met prof Einstein when I was 8 years old, and he told me that his greatest quality was imagination, a quality which Anneloes shares abundantly and which informs her extraordinary creative gifts. She is a living example of what it means to walk the path of the emerging future human. Knowing her very well and having worked with her in the development of our books and courses, I can honestly say that she is one of the brightest minds I have ever met.” 

Lynne McTaggart

World-Renowned Pioneer in the New Science of Consciousness

Dr. Anneloes Smitsman’s original research has relentlessly delved into revolutionary ideas and brought radical new scientific truths to light. And her background as a creative force of systemic transformation in education, economics, governance, and ecology has resulted from a marriage between her scientific originality and her extensive experience in the spiritual and mystical realms. The Future Humans Trilogy is a work of profound hope during these tumultuous times, by offering a powerful new definition of ourselves and a vision of unlimited future possibility."

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

World-Renowned Pioneer in Evolutionary Biology

“To survive through evolutionary chaos, we must first recover our creative powers. In Return of the Avatars, book 2 of the Future Humans Trilogy, distinguished visionaries Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston offer vital tools for accessing, activating, and empowering innate creative consciousness. Return of the Avatars is a profoundly important science-based guide for future humans to become Cosmic architects of a sustainable and thrivable world. I highly recommend this readable book as a valuable and empowering contribution in nurturing our evolving civilization.”

Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

World-Renowned Scientist & Noble Price Nominee 

“We live in the most crucial epoch in the recent history of humanity. We need to rethink where we are going, and change the way we go. We need to BE the change we want to see in the world.  This calls for leadership—leading ourselves to be the change we need. This is perhaps the most vital quest of our time. Joining the  leadership and coaching programs of Dr. Anneloes Smitsman could be one of the most effective steps you could now take."

Dr. Jude Currivan

"Through her writing and teaching, Anneloes’s authenticity and wisdom radiate with a crystal clarity and resonate with compassionate grace. Gently she guides readers and students through journeys of inner and outer discovery, inspiring and empowering them to re-member their own true selves and sense of purpose. As a teacher, guide and companion, she is a loving and hopeful gift of Spirit to the world." 

Lawrence Bloom

In my blessed life’s journey I have had the true privilege of meeting some extraordinary and remarkable souls. Anneloes Smitsman is up there with the best of the very best. From vision to strategy, from strategy to tactics, from tactics to operations, she is a profound and very rare master. I recommend her unhesitatingly, and celebrate our personal friendship and her gift of mentorship to me.” 

"If you enjoy the Future Human Trilogy, I highly recommend monthly group coaching sessions with Anneloes. They are invaluable in integrating the books' understanding, wisdom, and tools. Anneloes is a brilliant teacher and a phenomenal coach and mentor. In these sessions, she breaks down the intricate science and wisdom, and makes them accessible. By combining classical teaching, practices, meditations, and dialogue, Anneloes supports the participants both to understand, embody, and be ready to apply the wisdom in everyday life. I trust her completely and love how she generously, gently, and lovingly guides me, and everyone, in our growth and becoming. Fellow traveller, I urge you to sign up!" ~ Hege Forbech Vinje, Ph.D., Founder of The Forbech Vinje Academy

"It is truly amazing how Anneloes is able to both prepare fertile grounds for sacred transmissions and insights and to hold the space for questions and personal growth for each participant. I have not experienced a single session without jaw-dropping and deep new realizations for many that ripple through daily life and work long after the sessions complete. Having spent time in our own study groups - working and applying the teachings of the Future Humans Trilogy - everybody eagerly awaits any new input Anneloes shares with us, because she is able to bring one’s own experience to a deeper, more connected understanding towards more subtle levels of awareness! What a New Paradigm Storyteller and compassionate teacher!" ~ Dr. Dagmar Wolff, Ph.D., M.D., founding member of the Future Humans Course Community

"Future Human Coaching sessions with Anneloes has been one of the most transformative opportunities of my life. I was introduced to Anneloes through The Quest of Rose, Book 1, and the subsequent Catalyst Course that deepened the books practices for me. The book itself is a treasure trove of teachings and knowledge, and with the now added gift of the coaching sessions, assimilating it has moved to a much deeper and more applicable level of understanding for me. The teachings have created a clear pathway to call forward my future potential to present day; to be able to live life transformatively, with clearer presence and intention in my choices and interactions. I now feel I am living the principles in my daily life and the shifts that are occurring are seismic. I have a deeper sense of peace these days and a deep level of gratitude that my life has been blessed by Anneloes, her work and the Future Humans community, all of which has changed the trajectory of my life in the most incredible and catalyzing ways!" ~ Kristie Googin, Future Humans Course Community

"The coaching and mentoring calls with Anneloes have been essential in receiving real life guidance on how to navigate the process of creating the Future that we choose. In the past few months, I have been going through the process of becoming a steward of a land where my family will eventually build our home, a nature based school for children and adults to learn vital lessons for our future, and a space where people come to receive support and nourishment in their process of being and becoming. This project came as visions in bits and pieces over several years. While the vision is strong, I honestly did not know how to make it happen, leaving me very insecure, and eventually being stuck. Working with Anneloes through the Future Humans coaching calls, her Leadership Quest, and the first two books of the Future Humans Trilogy, have given me much clarity and confidence in navigating the creation and manifestation of this vision. Now, I engage the Future in a conversation, deeply listen, and then circle through the directions of the Cosmic Compass, checking in with my values and principles as coordinates, before taking action. Even though the path is not always visible nor easy, I am truly looking forward to seeing the possibilities that lie ahead. Thanks to Anneloes and her brilliant expositions of the cosmic architecture tools and keys, knowing beyond doubt that the Cosmos is my ally, has strengthened my faith that the Future is guiding me towards the highest good." ~ Dona Tumacder-Esteban, El Nido, Philippines 

"I started this journey with The Quest of Rose in the 2021 with the Catalyst Course. The tools and practices became part of my everyday life and had a huge impact on my wellbeing and my understanding of life. But it’s the second book Return of the Avatars, with the practices connected with the higher heart and the understanding of our shadows, that really changed the way I perceive myself and reality. I started to be more aware of my reactions and what was behind them. The practice to connect with the higher heart helped me to recover from Covid. The warmth of my heart burned the fear and helped me to activate a healthy response of my immune system. I felt the lesson behind the experience and was able to stay present and in the energy of love - love for myself, and love for life in all its forms. I learned how to get in contact with my future potential as a source of healing and understanding in the present. I’m truly grateful for the mentorship of Anneloes, for her warm, wise, kind presence and the knowledge and clarity that she shares." ~ Sarah Biondi 

"I feel I was initiated in the field that Anneloes brings forth and I have so much gratitude for this. Because of the profound nature of the times that we are in, we are of course being initiated but we don’t have very many places to go to for entering into initiation that are a through-line from the ancient wisdom traditions and the Indigenous traditions in a way that is so alive in Anneloes. I am eager for more of the initiation, and I am eager to go back into the meditations, to go back into the field and to receive it again and again. The meditations are so profound and they continue to work you. I am looking forward to deepening in this practice. For coming into conscious leadership and to be of the greatest service  that you can possibly be, you can’t get there without this kind of support." ~ Sheri Herndon, ecosystem architect and evolutionary leader

"Thank you Anneloes for all your support. I found your mentorship of great help this summer as the racing competition I have competed in this season has been very trying at times. I have learned that there are many ways to see the world and people. If you look for the good, you will find it, and if you look for the bad, you will find that, too. I am now focussing on looking for the good. Everyone experiences hardship or sadness of some sort, but it is how you can engage the uncertain times that matters. Support through programs like yours allows people to heal and discover a deeper understanding of themselves. Thank you, as I genuinely appreciate the help you put forward to bring personal peace and harmony into the world." Zach Spicer, Mikisew Cree First Nation, student and professional sailor

"Dr. Anneloes Smitsman lives what she teaches and is one of the most generous, humble, brilliant, and loving people I have ever met. The quality of everything she does is done with integrity and excellence. Her actions are aligned with her values, mission, and intention.  Anneloes is someone I trust completely, and when she does something she does it for the good of the Whole." ~ Nicola Hoffman, transformational coach and facilitator 

"Anneloes is a rare and precious gift. She embodies the ethos of wholeness with her deep, mystical wisdom complemented by her strong, cognitive intelligence. Both come into balance as she allows her heart to lead and guide. Her innate genius is a treasure." ~ Julie Krull, PhD, Founder of GOOD of the WHOLE and talk radio host

"Anneloes Smitsman is an incredible guide and teacher. She is able to explain and teach complex, profound, and hidden truths in a simple manner, so as to give us a way to put this “ancient wisdom” and “mystical magic” to use in our journey."  ~ Lizete Morais, Founder of Authentic Pro Academy, leadership transformation expert, speaker, and author

About Anneloes

Dr. Anneloes Smitsman (Ph.D., LLM), is a futurist, systems scientist, keynote speaker, and award-winning pioneer and bestselling author in human development and systems change. She is the Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre, co-founder of the EARTHwise Futures DAO, initiator and architect of the EARTHwise Constitution for a Planetary Civilization, and lead architect of the EARTHwise GameHer programs and strategies are sought after around the world for net-positive design for civilizational transformation. 

She was awarded the Visioneers Lifetime Achievement Award as a Visionary Leader in May 2022, and was crowned overall African winner in the  category "Human Development" of the 2022 Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards by The Business Executive in collaboration with the Economic Development Board Mauritius. The award acknowledges CEOs' contributions to the attainment of SDGs by African States. She is also a winner of the BIZZ 2022 Awards, which is a business excellence award by WORLDCOB, and was awarded the Africa’s Women Leaders Citation in 2018 by CMO Asia and World Women Leadership Congress.

Anneloes holds a Master’s degree in Law and Judicial Political Sciences from Leiden University, the Netherlands, and received a degree of Doctor from the Maastricht Sustainability Institute at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Her Ph.D. dissertation Into the Heart of Systems Change, is being implemented worldwide for systemic transformation in economics, education, politics, and governance through her proposed Transition Plan for a Thrivable Civilization.

Anneloes is the co-author with Dr. Jean Houston of the Future Humans Trilogy, which includes The Quest of Rose, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and Silver Winner of the prestigious 2022 Nautilus Book Awards in the category of Personal Growth. As well as Return of the AvatarsGold Winner of the 2023 Nautilus Book Awards, which also became a #1 Amazon Bestseller. She is also the co-host with Dr. Jean Houston of the Future Humans Podcast for meeting remarkable pioneers from around the world who walk the path of our future human potential. She is the co-editor and co-author with Dr. Alexander Laszlo of The New Paradigm in Politics, and she is the author of Love Letters from Mother Earth, and the narrated version Messages from Mother Earth with soundtracks by Alan Howarth. She is also the author of numerous peer-reviewed journal publications, articles, book chapters, and other publications. For more information visit her website.