Confronting the Archetype of Domination

Rose can’t be stopped now. Dark clouds close in over the forest, causing the temperature to drop. The forecasted thunderstorm has arrived earlier than expected. Erik leaves the injured boy behind and turns to face Rose.

“You don’t scare me,” the man hisses, reaching down to grab a hefty stick of his own. “Come on, Pim. We can take her.”

But Pim is sneaking away into the forest, trying to escape.

“Fine!” Erik yells at his brother. “I’ve been in fights all my life. I don’t need you.” His eyes flash as he sizes up his opponent.

Lightning strikes the ground nearby. The deer stand alert, watching Rose, and so does the raven. Erik clenches his stick and gathers his energy for the attack. Pim finds a hiding place behind a tree and shits his pants. The boy’s body has collapsed on the forest floor. He doesn’t move. Sophia sees her opportunity and rushes to him. He is bleeding heavily in several...

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