Our Interview with Hazel Henderson for Return of the Avatars

In November 2021, we interviewed two incredible future human pioneers who feature as real-life characters in Return of the Avatars, book 2 of our Future Humans Trilogy:

Excerpts of our interviews with them feature in chapter 11 of book, 2 and are included further below in this article. Hazel and Mariana walk the path of our future human potential; pioneering the ways, systems, and relationships through which a possible world that works for all becomes manifest

You can watch our interview with Hazel via the video below, as well as listen to this via The Future Humans Podcast in audio format. To watch our interview with Mariana, click here, and to listen to our podcast with her, click here.

In this conversation, Hazel decodes the...

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Our Interview with Mariana Bozesan for Return of the Avatars

In November 2021, we interviewed two incredible future human pioneers who feature as real-life characters in Return of the Avatars, book 2 of our Future Humans Trilogy:

Excerpts of these interviews feature in chapter 11 of book 2 and are included further below in this article. Mariana and Hazel walk the path of our future human potential; pioneering the ways, systems, and relationships through which a possible world that works for all becomes manifest

You can watch our interview with Mariana via the video below, as well as listen to this via The Future Humans Podcast in audio format. To watch our interview with Hazel, click here, and to listen to our podcast with her, click here.

In this conversation, Mariana speaks about the...

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